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Psychometric Testing for Young People

All CPG psychologists are qualified and competent to administer psychometric tests to young people. Such tests are commonly used to assess ability, learning deficits, and developmental disorders.

We are aware that young people might feel uncertain about completing psychometric tests, and all of our psychologists are skilled at helping them to feel comfortable with the process.

Before carrying out any tests, the testing psychologist will meet with your child (and you, if appropriate) to find out about the issues in relation to which they need testing, and to give them the opportunity to ask any questions.

The appropriate tests will then be chosen, and administered across one or more testing sessions. After testing, the psychologist will produce a report explaining the results of the test(s) and making recommendations as to what might happen next. This will be explained to your child in terms they can understand.

We can then help you to implement our recommendations, or refer to you to one of the wide range of other health professionals with whom we work.


We commonly carry out the following kinds of psychometric testing with young people:

Intelligence (IQ) testing

Intelligence tests assess a young person's general intellectual ability (or intelligence).

Intelligence tests can be used to identify a young person’s strengths and weaknesses, to identify any specific problem areas in their intellectual functioning, and to assess the effects of any brain injury they have suffered.

Achievement tests

Achievement tests assess academic ability, i.e. how proficient a young person is in a particular area of study. They may be administered with tests of intelligence to diagnose learning difficulties in children.

Adaptive behaviour testing

Adaptive behavioural tests are used with children of pre-school age to identify communication delays and behavioural difficulties. This allows early intervention and the best possible outcomes.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) assessment

Assessment for autism spectrum disorders, including Asperger syndrome, can assist with making, or ruling out, a diagnosis.

Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) assessment

ADHD assessments identify symptoms of the disorder and so can assist with making, or ruling out, a diagnosis.

Social, emotional, and behavioural functioning tests

Assessing how a young person functions emotionally, socially, and behaviourally can help with understanding any difficulties they have, whether at home, at school, or with peers. This can inform effective intervention to address any problems.


NEWS / 15.04.2024

Bringing a Yoga-Lens to ‘Talk Therapy’ [part 5 of 5]

NEWS / 27.03.2024

Bringing a Yoga-Lens to ‘Talk Therapy’ [part 4 of 5]


Here are just some of the media channels on which City Psychology Group has featured 



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