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Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT)

What kind of therapy is it?

DIT is derived from psychodynamic/psychoanalytic therapy, but is much shorter (usually 16 sessions).

What problems can it help with?

DIT was designed to help with anxiety, depression, and relationship problems.

How does it work?

DIT is based on the idea that we often avoid painful thoughts, feelings, and memories, but that they can continue to affect us nonetheless. They might affect how we feel, and also how we relate to others. In DIT you will explore your thoughts and feelings by talking about them, and also by noticing how you think, feel, and behave in therapy sessions. You might get in touch with things that you were not aware of, but that were causing you distress and affecting how you relate to others. As you come to understand where your distress is coming from, you might find that it reduces. 

What is a typical session like?

DIT therapists might not say much, so that you have time to say whatever is on your mind, and they are interested in how your childhood experiences with your family have affected you. In order to understand how you relate to other people, they will be interested in how you relate to them - the therapist - in sessions, and they will draw your attention to this. In DIT there is nothing for you to do or practise in between sessions.

What is the evidence?

DIT is quite a new therapy, and so has not been studied much yet, but it is based on psychodynamic/psychoanalytic therapies that have support from research.

Further reading:
NHS: Dynamic interpersonal therapy (DIT)


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